Thank you, Joel. That was fascinating. Gotta love those monks in Burgundy keeping such precise harvest records for centuries.

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More the Mairie, town Council, since they set the Ban date generally speaking, but data from the Church named was added in either to confirm, and/or fill date gaps. It is amazing though, to have six centuries overall of written real time info to use that can lead to confirming the warmth or not of a given year and contribute to understanding weather trends over time

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Your comments on climate change are simplistic and propagandistic. You should know better how science works: by rigorous application of the scientific method and debate. Not by consensus and puerile (yes childish) ideology. If you can (or have others who can for you), try to RIGOROUSLY respond to these esteemed scientists who have contradicted the (political) consensus for decades. If not, then restrict your comments and hypothesis to how wine and wine growing is affect by the CURRENT climate. There are enough poseurs in Congress. We don't need another shill.


Stephen W. Shipman, CFA

Henly, TX

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